A guide to overthinking

Have you ever thought about what you think about on a daily basis? If I would have to guess, the thought process of a student of my age range encompasses a lot—from trying to figure out the meaning of life to thinking of funny memes seen on the internet yesterday. You could say it’s aContinue reading “A guide to overthinking”

Why all my cabdrivers in Vienna pissed me off

  Vienna, Austria. A city with refined beauty, a city filled with classical music, a city that’s the embodiment of art, and a city that has the worst type of cabdrivers you will ever meet. Okay, maybe those cabdrivers are not limited to Vienna. Normally, I’m not the type who drives around a city inContinue reading “Why all my cabdrivers in Vienna pissed me off”

#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly: Why Describing A Plot Badly Might Make A Good Movie

  A meme did the virtual rounds a couple of months ago, called “explain a film plot badly”. It asked internet users to take a well-known and universally loved movie, and write down the plot as horrible and in the most misunderstood way possible (think Harry Potter but with Voldemort as the hero). Not toContinue reading “#ExplainAFilmPlotBadly: Why Describing A Plot Badly Might Make A Good Movie”

The Meaning of Summer

  Summer! It’s finally here. After long, cold dark nights the season that most people look forward to has started. Today I want to have a closer look at the meaning of this popular season. Is it hyped up by most people? Or is it truly one of the most magical times of the year?Continue reading “The Meaning of Summer”

The Deal with Pocket Monster Designs

  Behold this horrid wretch before you, and ask yourself: how did Donald Trump beat this thing out of the first place in Time Magazine’s Most Influential People of 1998? Not that any of that happened, of course. But imagine. The thing I wanted you to take home from this is that no matter howContinue reading “The Deal with Pocket Monster Designs”

Anna’s #basic guide to travel

  I always say that I regularly go bankrupt on aeroplane tickets. I just really love to travel (here is where I shamelessly refer back to my travel guides for Rome and London). A couple of years back I heard someone make it their New Year’s resolution that they wanted to travel to at leastContinue reading “Anna’s #basic guide to travel”

On Fear

  “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” – H.P. Lovecraft Recently, I was asked a rather intriguing question by my tea bag1: what are you most afraid of? While the question itself might be straightforward, the intriguing part wasContinue reading “On Fear”

Mukbang and food in the modern world

  One summer ago I didn’t have much to do so, as any bored millennial would do, I browsed the web for new and interesting things that I could watch, or listen to (or a combination of both).What I ended up finding was strange, funny but above all very relatable. It was a video ofContinue reading “Mukbang and food in the modern world”

Consider the Lily

  To Lily The lily, once in battle with the rose for the title of “queen of flowers”, has experienced many ups and downs in popularity throughout the years. In Shakespeare’s Henry VIII , Queen Katherine declares “Like the lily that once was mistress of the field and flourish’d / I’ll hang my head andContinue reading “Consider the Lily”