Life is Grey

Despite the ambiguities that my English Literature degree has encouraged me to seek out in poetry and novels: read between the lines, behind the sentence or even at a stretch, beyond the syllable, I have tended to look at life through a black and white lens. I have been known to favour arguments that clearlyContinue reading “Life is Grey”

Meeting My 20s 

Your 20s are supposedly the best years of your life. So many of our parents’ favourite dinner party anecdotes originated during this carefree decade, maybe those rose tinted memories are coloured by nostalgia or maybe your 20s really are your fondest years. I am barely a foot in the door of what is apparently theContinue reading “Meeting My 20s “

Stutz: The Tragedy of Wasted Time

Image: Stutz, Netflix Trigger Warning: this article contains references to suicide Jonah Hill’s recent documentary film Stutz is a far cry from the comic roles of 21 Jump Street and Superbad which he is so often associated with and are sedimented into pop culture. On the surface Stutz is an unlikely role reversal in whichContinue reading “Stutz: The Tragedy of Wasted Time”

The Art of People Watching

Irie Voice by osgemeos (Moco Museum Barcelona) For years I thought my poor sense of direction and tendency to procrastinate was simply evidence of my rocky relationship with geography and consistent lack of sleep. However, on reflection in most of these circumstances my eyes were just drawn to different things, namely other people. Whilst someContinue reading “The Art of People Watching”