Flash Fiction Competition 2022 – Second Place: A Lake of Hidden Wonders

by Noelani Luckas „There’s something in the water“, Ifna stated, crouching beside the dark lake that stretched out all the way to the horizon. From above, it was a bleak, black smudge in the landscape. Not that anyone actually dared to cross it, even from the sky.  Ifna touched the black water with her fingertips,Continue reading “Flash Fiction Competition 2022 – Second Place: A Lake of Hidden Wonders”

Flash Fiction Competition 2022 – Third Place: Passport Profile

by Jeremy Bernard Our voices got lost in the mess but the text is all here so might as well read it.  Dyed blonde hair coated the outer layer, golden splotches over silver rings nestled softly between fidgeting fingers, necklaces that glittered and clothes that shimmered, push up this, flatten that, fix yourself right here,Continue reading “Flash Fiction Competition 2022 – Third Place: Passport Profile”

Flash Fiction Competition 2022

“There is something in the water” With this prompt, Writer’s Block is proud to announce the annual flash fiction competition! For a chance to be published in our next issue, send us your creation including the prompt – but remember, no later than May 1st at midnight (Central European time). Anxiously anticipating your creations, WB