What We Are Reading

After discovering new shows to watch with our latest article What We Are Watching, check out what the Writer’s Block Board is currently reading. Close Netflix and dive into a book with our recommendations! Vivian I’m currently reading two books, which I almost always do as I switch between an ebook and a physical book.Continue reading “What We Are Reading”

What We Are Watching

Want to start the new year fresh with something new to watch? The Writer’s Block Board has compiled a list of the shows they’re currently watching! Whether these are new to you or already some of your favorites, read on to get some recommendations! Vivian During the last month of 2021 I started binge-watching onContinue reading “What We Are Watching”

Our Holiday Recommendations

For this not-so-cheery (rather gloomy) holiday season, our Writer’s Block authors have put together a compilation of movies and series that will certainly put you into a festive mood. So grab your hot chocolate, candy canes and a cozy blanket (because baby, it’s cold outside) and get ready to fill the remaining days of theContinue reading “Our Holiday Recommendations”

Our Halloween Recommendations

Have you noticed that the door to your apartment has suddenly developed a creak? No? What about the dusty cobwebs hiding in every nook and cranny of your flat? Surely, you felt the cold gusts of wind blowing through the curtains despite the fact that you just closed the window? Yes, all the signs areContinue reading “Our Halloween Recommendations”

WB’s Black History Month Recommendations

March 1st marks the end of Black History Month in the United States (in the Netherlands, Black History Month is reserved for the month of October). A month that sheds a light on the accomplishments of Black people despite the many, many adversities and atrocities they had to push through and liberate themselves from. ThoughContinue reading “WB’s Black History Month Recommendations”

WB What We’re Watching Right Now

Feeling bored, disillusioned? Live in an area where lockdown is still in effect, and there’s nothing to do recreationally besides watch Netflix/Prime/Hulu etc.? Think you’ve already exhausted the infinite supply of films and TV shows on these services and don’t know what to watch next? Then Writer’s Block has got you covered! Some of ourContinue reading “WB What We’re Watching Right Now”

Writer’s Block Holiday Recommendations

Happy Christmas Eve Eve everybody! We know that the holidays are a bit unusual this year, but that doesn’t mean we don’t get to be merry and jolly! It’s been a difficult year for all of us, which is all the more reason we want to be with loved ones around the holidays and yetContinue reading “Writer’s Block Holiday Recommendations”

Writer’s Block Halloween Movie Recommendations

It’s that time of year. The leaves are falling from the trees, you’ve dusted the cobwebs off your scarf and gloves, you have a weird unending craving for soup, the gourds are sitting proudly on shelves in grocery stores everywhere, and you’re feeling the need to reanimate some dead bodies with the power of electricity.Continue reading “Writer’s Block Halloween Movie Recommendations”

Writer’s Block Summer Tunes 2018

It’s almost the end of the school year and you know what that means: Summer parties, festivals and travels are fast approaching. Before these fun shenanigans can commence, however, we need to get through the “end-of-year slump”. Are you suffering from chronic lack of concentration and energy despite the fact that you’re consuming coffee likeContinue reading “Writer’s Block Summer Tunes 2018”

The Top 15 Best James Spader Performances

James Spader started his long acting career as a teenager in a minor role in the 1978 film Team-Mates, received his first big role as Brooke Shield’s brother in the 1981 film Endless Love, and has acted non-stop in a wide variety of film and television productions since 1984. For an actor with nearly 40Continue reading “The Top 15 Best James Spader Performances”