Donate to Writer’s Block

Writer’s Block is a nonprofit magazine: all you wonderful people get to read our magazine for free, and us editors do the work we do out of passion. Printing our magazine, unfortunately, isn’t free. Currently, Writer’s Block is funded mostly by subsidies the University of Amsterdam distributes among the various students’ magazines. As fundings are being cut back slightly, we’ve decided we want to give our loyal readers the option to support us through donations. Even a little bit more money means that we might be able to make a larger print run or include more content in our issues, so every little bit helps!

Still here? Let us first thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for considering to make a donation. These are your options:

Option 1: Transfer money directly into our account

If you live in Europe, this is likely going to be free, and typically very problem free. This way, 100% of the money you donate ends up benefiting Writer’s Block (as far as we’re aware). We ask you to transfer the amount to (IBAN): NL68 INGB 0007 2319 89, registered under the name Etcetera. Make sure to put in your comments that you’re making a donation to Writer’s Block! That way, the Etcetera secretary knows where the money needs to go.

Option 2: PayPal donation

Making a donation through PayPal is very simple if you’ve got an account that has the ability to make payments. However, do note that PayPal takes roughly 30 cents off every donation, in addition to another 3% of the total donation amount. This means that donating €1,00 ends up netting us about 67 cents (67%), while PayPal gets to keep 33 cents themselves. This is less of a problem with slightly larger donations; for example, if you’re donating €5,00, we end up with about €4,55 (91%). To donate to us using PayPal, simply click the button below and follow the instructions.


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