On Cooking

Netflix: Flavorful Origins (Chen Xiaoqing, 2020) I have always loved cooking. Eating is followed as a close second. Both have been a big part of my life and I started ‘cooking’ at a young age. The first time I was allowed free rein in the kitchen, it was because my mother was given a simpleContinue reading “On Cooking”

Can we communicate dreams?

Morris, R. C. (2013, July 26) I have always been a dreamer; both during the day with my teachers yelling at me to pay attention and during the night, where I fly through the sky or run from a herd of elephants. Frequently, I wake up and remember the dream, sometimes clearly ‘scene for scene’,Continue reading “Can we communicate dreams?”

The beauty of Arcane

Netflix: S1 Ep7 (Delord & Charrue, 2021) Spoiler warning: This article contains spoilers of the serie Arcane.  When I tell people that I don’t watch films or series for their plot, they look at me weirdly. For a lot of my friends, the plot is the most important aspect of a story: it’s the unexpectedContinue reading “The beauty of Arcane”

The magic of the fifth of December 

I remember the excitement as a kid. The joy of the mystery and the wonders of secrets and traditions. Not just on the fifth but the days leading up to it. I don’t believe there is a thing as being too early for a holiday. That’s what makes it exciting, that is what fills youContinue reading “The magic of the fifth of December “