An Ode to Flower Language – Merel Langeveld

(source: Ever since I first started writing fiction, I’ve been interested in the symbolism of flowers. For little 10-year-old me, nothing sounded smarter than naming one of my characters after a flower that symbolised their personality or character development. Even now, I am occasionally guilty of doing it. And who can blame me? TheContinue reading “An Ode to Flower Language – Merel Langeveld”

Can we communicate dreams?

Morris, R. C. (2013, July 26) I have always been a dreamer; both during the day with my teachers yelling at me to pay attention and during the night, where I fly through the sky or run from a herd of elephants. Frequently, I wake up and remember the dream, sometimes clearly ‘scene for scene’,Continue reading “Can we communicate dreams?”

How can multilingualism affect our identity

  We live in a world where speaking more than one language is seen as a positive thing. Multilingualism is encouraged, and as our world becomes more globalized, multilingualism is seen as a normal part of a child’s upbringing.

These Are a Few of My Favourite Words

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings. These are a few of my favorite things.  In life, it is the little things that make your day. Like Julie Andrews sang, these favourite things, the blue sky, the smell of freshly brewedContinue reading “These Are a Few of My Favourite Words”

WB Column: Accents

Awrite! Hou’s aw wi ye? Can A gie ye a haund? It’s quite remarkable that when you study English you get taught about grammar, literature, philosophy even, but nothing about pronunciation. We do have phonology, but that is mostly theoretical and only in Received Pronunciation. We learn how to pronounce sounds and phonemes, but don’tContinue reading “WB Column: Accents”

Essay and Fiction Competition

Competition After the success of the first two competitions, Writer’s Block magazine will now continue with the next categories: essay and fiction. We are looking for: Essay: No restrictions regarding theme and form. Maximum of 1500 words. Fiction: No restrictions regarding theme and form. Maximum of 1500 words. We hope you’ll be inspired to write for us in theContinue reading “Essay and Fiction Competition”

Poetry and Translation Competition

Competition Writer’s Block magazine proudly announces four competitions: in the upcoming half-year we will be hosting a translation, poetry, essay and fiction competition. The first part, for the next edition of WB, will be the translation and poetry categories. This is what we are looking for: Poetry: No restrictions regarding theme or amount of words.Continue reading “Poetry and Translation Competition”